Solutions for Justice System & Behavioral Health Professionals


Customer Success Stories

We received entries from across the country of customers detailing the successful outcomes they have using Carey Group products.  

4:1 Behavior Management System (BMS)

Software to help justice system and behavioral health staff track and develop appropriate responses to noncompliant behavior. 

Supervisors EBP BriefCASE:
Trauma and Resilience Series

Trauma-informed booster curriculum for evidence-based practice staff.

Carey eGuides

Equips justice system and behavioral health professionals with the information and tools they need to support behavior change and skill development among their clients.

Our Mission

Carey Group is a national consulting and publishing firm that equips justice system and behavioral health professionals with knowledge, skills, and tools that improve the lives of clients. We make this possible by providing an array of staff training, organizational consulting services, and evidence-informed intervention tools. 

Our Services

Equipping Justice System and Behavioral Health Professionals with Evidence-Based Approaches

Carey Group translates empirical findings into evidence-based policies and practices. We provide extensive consultation and training to help professionals working in criminal and juvenile justice and behavioral health settings implement an evidence-based framework. 

Strengthening the Future of Justice & Behavioral Health Systems

Carey Group helps justice and behavioral health systems ensure sustainability by assessing organizational culture and readiness for change, facilitating strategic planning processes, and working with agencies to build new processes, procedures, and change management plans. 

Helping Agencies Improve Outcomes 

Carey Group collaborates with agencies to implement quality assurance (QA) and continuous quality improvement (CQI) practices to help ensure successful results. We assist agencies by identifying their QA and CQI needs, developing QA/CQI plans, and training staff in techniques and strategies that achieve improvements. 

Our Products

Carey Group's publishing division offers a variety of tools and training to help criminal and juvenile justice system and behavioral health professionals improve client outcomes. 
Our suite of products includes:

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Guides and Toolkits

We offer a variety of guides and toolkits that equip criminal and juvenile justice system and behavioral health professionals with evidence-based techniques and cognitive-behavioral interventions.

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Cognitive Workbooks

Our workbooks allow staff to help their clients understand past behaviors and plan future pathways to success
in their personal, social, educational, and vocational lives.

Software Solutions

Our software solutions, including a behavior management system and interactive, fillable tools, are designed to motivate clients and assist staff with case management.

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Supplemental Tools

Our supplemental products—such as a tool organizer for storing completed worksheets, goal cards, posters, and more—are designed to assist justice system and behavioral health professionals with the use of our other tools and provide easy-to-follow supplemental information to guide case planning.

Comprehensive and Integrated

As a multi-service provider, Carey Group addresses a variety of concerns often faced by justice system and behavioral health staff. We recognize that these issues must be addressed in an integrated and comprehensive fashion. From consultation and training to interactive workbooks, our range of solutions can guide your organization on its path to success.


Carey Group recognizes that moving away from traditional practices is difficult for any organization. In addition, agencies often face budgetary and political constraints. While carefully taking all of these barriers into consideration, we work with organizations to understand their culture and values and offer customized services and products that fit their specific needs. 

Nationally Recognized

Carey Group is composed of practitioners with years of experience in federal, state, and local governments, as well as in the not-for-profit and private sectors. Our products and services have helped criminal and juvenile justice departments and behavioral health agencies across the world achieve their organizational goals.

Want to learn more about our products and evidence-based training and consulting services?